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Would you like to be interviewed for my YouTube channel?

Updated: Jun 18

Calling all those who have had a spiritually awakened journey, esoteric experience or contact, out of body experiences, near death experiences, pre-birth memories, and faith transitions!

If you would like to share your story, your journey and awakening, please contact me on my website through the contact form and let me know you'd like to be interviewed. We will then discuss through email about what you'd like to share. If you are approved, I will then post the interview on my YouTube and Rumble platforms so that your story can be heard and help others in their own awakening journey. (FYI: You have the option to edit out any personal details or segments you feel uncomfortable with before I publish. You will also have the option of saving the original unedited interview for yourself)

It's time to get the word out there and this is a perfect opportunity to help the collective raise it's vibration. It's also time to connect and find others who resonate with you. At this time I do not receive video monetization from either platform - so this isn't about making money. This is really about building a community and that's why I put tons of free content on my channel. I was struggling to post content that surrounded my own (mostly mundane) life and had a desire to interview others after I was interviewed myself from other YouTube channels. I realized this was the direction I wanted to move my channel. It always felt awkward to me to have a channel that is "all about me" anyway. I feel guided that this is the direction the channel is to go and grow!

If you'd like to see how these interviews are conducted, check out these two recent interviews:

I will continue to post ascension guidance, harp music, or random food videos or health updates. I'm just so excited to be able to add in YOUR additional content. It feels right!

In the meantime, if you're feeling isolated and would like to connect to a spiritual community - one that is open to discuss all sorts of fun, weird, spiritual topics, please consider joining the email list for the FREE Spiritual Group Zoom Call that happens once a month. All you have to do is fill out the contact form on my website, leave your email, and state that you're interested in joining the list. That's it!

As always, if you'd like to book ascension coaching services with me, my prices are very reasonable. I also offer spiritual, chronic pain/health, and faith transition coaching if you're interested.

Hoping you all have a wonderful start to the new year! Which reminds me, I recently published a new video Divine Galactic Guidance for 2024! Please check it out and give it a like..if you like. ;)

-Rebbeca Wertz

Starseed Angel Guide

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