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Meet Rebbeca

Certified Health & Wellness Coach,

Therapeutic Harpist, Marconic Energy Practitioner

I'm so happy you are here to learn more about how you can heal and connect with your true healthy-self. I am a National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach, Certified Pain Management Coach through Take Courage Coaching (TCCU/Pain Coach Academy) as well as a Certified Therapeutic Harp Practitioner through the  International Harp Therapy Program (IHTP). Most recently, I have completed training to be a certified Marconic Energy Practitioner. I am also certified in Polyvagal Theory.


My journey with early childhood trauma and abuse contributed to my chronic pain and illness including chronic migraine, fibromyalgia, and joint hypermobility syndrome. I was at a point in my life where I could not get out of my own way and knew I needed a coach to help me see outside of myself and get me back on track. My healing journey has inspired me to help others looking for hope, health, and a connection with their true healthy self.​


My love for art, music (the harp), creating YouTube videos, and writing supports all avenues of physical, emotional, energetic, and spiritual healing. I offer many healing resources on this website and on my YouTube channel. I would love to hear from you. Thank you for connecting with me!

Rebbeca Wertz Becky Wertz Starseed Angel Guide
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